Research Experience/Machine Learning Experience
Research Intern in 1QBit, Canada
Sept 2017 – Present

  • Working in the machine learning team, focusing on the aspect of integrating knowledge of advanced quantum computation and machine learning in the area of quantitative finance
  • Worked with Accenture Labs and Biogen in developing a first-of-its-kind quantum-enabled molecular comparison application which could vastly enhance advanced molecular design for drug discovery
  • Learned about Agile framework when working with researchers and software developers, and the importance of communication in meeting client-oriented project deadlines

Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant for Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms in SFU, Canada
Jan 2017 – August 2017

  • Conducted tutorials on topics involving logics, set theory, combinatorics, design and analysis of algorithms using resources such as textbook, online problem sets to help students build a solid foundation in mathematics
  • Marked assignments, midterm exams within a time frame and provided useful feedbacks to the students by showing common conceptual mistakes during tutorials
  • Learned to convey sophisticated concepts in simpler terms, which helps improving communication and presentation skills

Research Experience/Optimization Experience
Research Assistant in Computational Biology in SFU, Canada
Sept 2016 – Present

  • Study the diversity of pathogenic bacteria which causes Lyme disease, Borrelia Burgdorferi in tick samples using mathematical and computational approaches under the supervision of Prof. Chindelevitch and Prof. Chauve
  • Mapped and aligned ~60GB Illumina short reads data using Bowtie, SRA Toolkit and ClusterW
  • Formulated mixed integer linear programs(MILP) to address different biological problems and coded MILPs using CPLEX Python API
  • Communicated with biologists about their prior expectations on co-infection pattern and the result of this project will lead to improved ecological prevention and control protocol of Lyme disease

Operational Research / Optimization Experience
Strategic Planning and Advisory Intern in AECOM Asia Co. Ltd., Hong Kong
June 2015 – Aug 2015

  • Participated in constructing a customized transport model for a major bus company in Hong Kong using different software such as EMME, ArcGIS and Excel, where the company attained about 13% increase in bus route efficiency after first trial run of the model
  • Analysed traffic, transport and population related data using different aggregate and logical functions in Excel, in which these analysed data were inputs of the transport model
  • Experienced cultures and administrations of one of the largest multinational engineering consulting firm