Simple Code in Python 2 for multiprocessing

Recently, I have the need to parallelize my code, especially for cross validation process in machine learning as I could not use sklearn’s built in CV functions due to specific reason. I have no prior knowledge about multiprocessing and would gracefully admit that my coding skills are not splendid. However,... [Read More]
Tags: code

Paper accepted at RECOMB-Seq 2018

My paper titled “Deconvoluting the Diversity of Within-host Pathogen Strains in a Multi-locus Sequence Typing Framework” is accepted for the RECOMB-Seq workshop 2018. It is also selected for publication in Bioinformatics journal. This is a joint work with my supervisors Leonid Chindelevitch and Cedric Chauve, and our lab’s undergraduate research... [Read More]
Tags: research

My first post

Hey there, thanks for visiting my page! I am starting to build my personal website using github pages and will ocassionally publish posts with regards to my life or technical posts in mathematics or computer science. Stay tuned!
Tags: general